Clark’s Blog – Free Clarkage
The occasional musings of a Novocastrian nerd.
Clark made a lot of these posts during lockdown in 2021, under the title The Natural History and Antiquities of Dame Eadith Walker Estate. There were about a hundred days in a row. You can tell which ones they are as they’re numbered with Roman numerals. If you want to sift back further you’ll find posts about school, movies and music. He has presented some of these, complete with slides, at an off-again, on-again show called Speech Night, at The Royal Exchange.
Online lockdown breakout concert
The Newcastle & Hunter Valley Folk Club have generously uploaded my 15 minutes of performance from the glassed-in verandah where I spent my high-school and university study years
Book reading
During lockdown Clark read the book Moose for Newcastle Museum’s Tuesday Tales. Here is the link
Arts Zine Article
Clark has an article in Studio La Primitive Arts Zine, issue 36, May 2020.
Radio Interview
Here’s a link to an interview that Clark did for 1233 ABC Newcastle. They wanted to get a “comedian’s” view on the brand new light rail in Newcastle. (20th of March 2019)
Primordial Soup video
The Newcastle Museum made a video of Clark’s song Primordial Soup to promote its Voyage to the Deep exhibition. Sung by him and Sallyanne Brown.
A cappella versions of Clark’s songs
Miguel Heatwole has arranged several of Clark’s songs, including Elephant in the Room and Murray Darling, and soon to be available Favourite Texta. Andsome Friends have recorded Elephant in the Room, available at
Ecopella has recorded Murray Darling available here
Poetry at the Pub
Clark has been heavily involved in this poetry group in Newcastle since 1996.
Club Sandwich
Club Sandwich Cabaret is a show that was started in 2011 by Danielle Scott, Jane Jelbart, Mark Jackson and Clark Gormley. It was a two hour variety show with an interval, staged at the Royal Exchange in Newcastle. Each night there were several guest acts including singers, musicians, comedians, dancers, magicians, artists, scientists and beer experts. Each show had a theme ranging from birds to Christmas, and hardly any of the shows were repeated. Initially there was a new show every month. There have been 36 Club Sandwich shows, the last one was staged in 2016. The show is in hiatus, but you never know when it might come back…
Clark was MC for many of the later shows, and developed his ‘Nerducation’ segment, which included informative trivia about the theme, and a proof by free association.
The Royal Exchange
This enclave of Bohemia in the middle of Newcastle is Clark's favourite venue.
Wind And Rain by Don’t Diss a Brie
Don’t Diss a Brie was a short-lived trio made up of Sarah Whitteron, Sue Jennings and Clark Gormley. We had a go at three-part harmonies. This was our attempt at the Gillian Welch and Dave Rawlings version of the trad song.
Herbal Tea Waltz video
This video was made way back in 2003 for the Newcastle Shootout short film competition.
Oliver Sipple
Clark’s song about the unfortunate US war veteran Oliver Sipple.
Beer rankings, a COVID Lockdown Project